Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lifestyle of Road Ladies and Great Problem of AIDS

The trend of road kids and some women has been a major concern for most places of Dhaka city. A large number of road kids and some women all over in Bangladesh, mainly in the cities, work and live in the roads. City hardship, increasing discontentment with the public academic system together with the difficult residing conditions and damaged family members has led to a growing problem of road kids and some women. Street ladies are susceptible to a number of risks: the careless motorist; the violent cop’s officer; the medication, criminal offense, and prostitution syndicates; even the bigger, older road young children who taunt or bully them. There are many teenager ladies residing on the roads, some are residing with mother and father and few of along. Teen ladies residing on the roads experience most of the same problems as FSWs and, in addition, are frequently put through sex-related assault.
'Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation' lately revealed that 70 % of road ladies have been sufferers of sex-related misuse, while another research by 'LRB Foundation' places the figure as high as 80 %. One research by 'Several Education And Polli Development Association-SEPDA' found that ladies who turn to the roads are generally youthful than road young children. As discuss Prof. Abdul Quader Palash, "Street ladies are seen as a sociology-economy trend rather then a public classification - a trend created by public systems, sex guidelines, governmental and economic”. A 2005 study by Spectrum Nari O Shishu Kallyan Groundwork on sex-related intercourse among road ladies underscored that road ladies are extremely susceptible to sex-related misuse and stud’s (STDs). Some times road ladies and Sailing sex employees are carefully associated with the terminal, slot and transportation sectors where they find a large supply of customers and customers. Being obviously related, Street ladies and Sailing Sex Workers (FSWs) were not considered as complicated public trend in Bangladesh. There are no tracking and no sensible studies of why road ladies progressively become FSWs in Bangladesh.

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